Monday, September 04, 2006

International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept 19)

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a parodic holiday invented in 1995 by two Americans, John Baur ("Ol' Chum Bucket") and Mark Summers ("Cap'n Slappy"), who proclaimed September 19 each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like pirates. For example, instead of "hello," an observer of this holiday would greet his mates with "Ahoy, me hearty!" The date was selected because it is the birthday of Summers' ex-wife and would consequently be easy for him to remember.
The Original Talk Like A Pirate Day Website
At first an inside joke between two friends, the holiday gained national exposure when Baur and Summers sent a letter about their invented holiday to nationally syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry in 2002. Barry liked the idea and promoted the day.
The Official Talk Like A Pirate Day Website
The day became "international" that same year when people in Australia learned of the holiday from Barry's column.


Blogger SamuRyan said...

Arr, post a comment, ye wenches!

Monday, September 18, 2006 6:41:00 PM  
Blogger SamuRyan said...

Startin' Rules

• Double up on all your adjectives and you'll be bountifully bombastic with your phrasing. Pirates never speak of "a big ship", they call it a "great, grand ship!" They never say never, they say "No nay ne'er!"

• Drop all your "g"'s when you speak and you'll get words like "rowin'", "sailin'" and "fightin'". Dropping all of your "v"'s will get you words like "ne'er", "e'er" and "o'er".

• Instead of saying "I am", sailors say, "I be". Instead of saying "You are", sailors say, "You be". Instead of saying, "They are", sailors say, "They be". Ne'er speak in anythin' but the present tense!

• If it be helpin', start yer sentence wi' a "Arr, me hearty," in a deep, throaty voice — ye'll find that the rest be comin' much easier.

Ahoy: Hey!

Avast: Stop!

Aye: Yes

Black spot: to be 'placin' the black spot' be markin' someone for death.

Booty: treasure

Buccanneer: a pirate who be answerin' to no man or blasted government.

By the Powers!: an exclamation, uttered by Long John Silver in Treasure Island!

Cat o' nine tails: whip for floggin' mutineers

Corsair: a pirate who be makin' his berth in the Med-...Medi-...that sea 'tween Spain and Africa, aye!

Davy Jones' Locker: the bottom o' the sea, where the souls of dead men lie

Doubloons: pieces of gold...

Fiddlers Green: the private heaven where pirates be goin' when they die.

Furner: a ship which be yer own, not one ye steal an' plunder.

Gentlemen o' fortune: a slightly more positive term fer pirates!

Go on the account: to embark on a piratical cruise

Grog: A pirate's favorite drink.

Jack: a flag or a sailor

Jolly Roger: the skull and crossbones, the pirate flag!

Keelhaul: a truly vicious punishment where a scurvy dog be tied to a rope and dragged along
the barnacle-encrusted bottom of a ship. They not be survivin' this.

Landlubber: "Land-lover," someone not used to life onboard a ship.

Lass: A woman.

Lily-livered: faint o' heart

Loaded to the Gunwales (pron. gunnels): drunk

Matey: A shipmate or a friend.

Me hearty: a friend or shipmate.

Me: My.

Pieces o' eight: pieces o' silver which can be cut into eights to be givin' small change.

Privateer: a pirate officially sanctioned by a national power

Scallywag: A bad person. A scoundrel.

Scurvy dog!: a fine insult!

Shiver me timbers!: an exclamation of surprise, to be shouted most loud.

Son of a Biscuit Eater: a derogatory term indicating a bastard son of a sailor

Sprogs: raw, untrained recruits

Squadron: a group of ten or less warships

Squiffy: a buffoon

Swaggy: a scurvy cur's ship what ye be intendin' to loot!

Swashbucklin': fightin' and carousin' on the high seas!

Sweet trade: the career of piracy

Thar: The opposite of "here."

Walk the plank: this one be bloody obvious.

Wench: a lady, although ye gents not be wantin' to use this around a lady who be stronger than ye.

Wi' a wannion: wi' a curse, or wi' a vengeance. Boldly, loudly!

Yo-ho-ho: Pirate laughter


"Avast, ye you soil-licking varmints."

"So ye think that yer yapping parrot makes your scurvy hide a pirate's quality?"
("Your parrot seems well-behaved, like mine.")

"Aye, gouge out an eye and put on a patch. Then maybe we can talk. Savvy?"
("I'm flattered by your interest in our ways. You know?")

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:08:00 AM  
Blogger SamuRyan said...

Top Ten Pickup lines for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day:

10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

8. Come on up and see me urchins.

7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?

4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

3. Ya know, darlin, Im 97 percent chum free.

2. Well blow me down?

And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is

1. Prepare to be boarded.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:41:00 PM  
Blogger SamuRyan said...

A pirate walks into a bar, fresh off his ship, and sits down for a drink. He has a peg leg, an eye patch, and a hook for a hand. A fellow sits next to him and buys him a drink.

" You know, I've had a fascination with pirates my whole life, and I'd love to hear any stories you'd tell," he says to the pirate.
"Arrgh, me lad, ask me anything, and I'll tell ye what I know, arrgh, " the pirate responds.
"What happened to your leg?", the man asked.
"Arrgh, a cannon blew me leg clean off in a skirmish, some scallywags off the starboard bow, arrgh!"
"What about your hand?"
"Yarrgh, lost it in a duel with a mutinous scoundrel, yarrgh! Keelhauled him in the end, though, yo ho ho!"

The man, eyes bulging, was overjoyed at the opportunity to talk with a real live pirate. This was a dream come true! He continued: "So how'd you lose your eye?"
"Yarrgh, a bird shit in me eye, yarrgh!!!"
The man went from excited to bewildered. "A bird shit in your eye??? That doesn't sound like anything to lose your eye over."
"Arrgh, it was me first day with the hook."

Sunday, October 01, 2006 9:22:00 AM  

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